How to uninstall program not in add/ remove programs list




I am having trouble uninstalling a program that I installed recently. The
program is nowhere to be seen on the add/remove programs list and it has no
uninstall option with it. It is a typing program called Teach yourself touch
typing and is made by Accutech. Is there any way of getting rid of it so I
can install it clean again??

Thanks in advance for your help

Rich Barry

John, go to C:\Program Files and delete the Accutech Folder. It may have
a different name. Then go to Start>Run type:
regedit and click Ok. Navigate to HKey_Local_Machine\Software
delete the Accutech folder there. Then repeat at
Hkey_Current_User\Software. You can do a search for Accutech and
delete anything pertaining to it.


You may use external uninstaller program like Advanced Uninstaller
Pro( or you may manually do it if you can find
the uninstall media usually stored in the installation folder of the program
in "program files".


How old is this program?
Why do you need to uninstall / clean install, is it not working?
Before delving in the registry you could try reinstalling it.


Thanks all for your replies. I couldn't find any uninstall media in the
program files, so it looks as if I will have to download the removal software
or edit the registry to get rid of it. Its only been on my machine a few days
and the reason I want to reinstall it is because I set the target typing
speed too fast, which is not good of you are a crap typist! Unfortunately it
will not let me alter it now - I can login as another user on the software
however to get round the problem. It just strikes me as annoying that they
obviously made this software so it is really hard to remove from your
computer. Thanks again

regards John

Alan Edwards

Can you supply the URL for the download?
Someone may have a look for you.......



Hi John. Download 'Add/Remove Pro' a free utility at: click on 'freeware' in the right hand column.
It will do everything and more that you need to do very very easily.
This site also does not download adware or spyware when you use there stuff.........It has helped me any number of times. Regards. deango


Thanks for your help. I have today received an email from the company that
makes the software and he says that i have to "Simply delete the folder in
program files and delete the program group from on the start menu". Will
give this a go but if it fails I will download the removal software you guys
have suggested.

Not sure what he means by delete the program group from on the start
menu.Does he mean delete the program icon from the start menu?


-- J



John said:
Thanks for your help. I have today received an email from the company that
makes the software and he says that i have to "Simply delete the folder in
program files and delete the program group from on the start menu". Will
give this a go but if it fails I will download the removal software you guys
have suggested.

Not sure what he means by delete the program group from on the start
menu.Does he mean delete the program icon from the start menu?


-- J click on 'freeware' in the right hand

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