How to un-clutter the registry?


Walter R.

Running Win XP Pro. I happened to notice that all my old, deleted Favorites
are still alive in my registry, together with legitimate current Favorites.

version\explorer\menuorder\favorites\aaa etc (Favorites I deleted long ago)

The deleted items show as Type Reg_SZ, Value not set

I have tried several "registry cleaners" but none of them shows these values
as invalid paths.

Why does Windows hang on to such clutter? Would be nice to clean up this and
similar clutter in the registry. Anyone know how?

The Happy Iconoclast

Will Denny


The Win XP Registry looks after itself and shouldn't need 'clearing out' as
that can cause more harm than good. A lot of these Registry 'cleaners' can
clean more than enough and cause serious problems to your system. Also, a
lot don't seem to have an 'Undo' option.

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