How to toggle between two Apps?



Hi, All
How to toggle between two .exe?
Main.exe is launching Child.exe with CreateProcess() API,
I need to run constantly both Apps and toggle between them.
TaskBar is disabled, the Main.exe is running full screen,

Please, any ideas
Thank you

Peter Foot [MVP]

If you know the window titles of the two apps, you can P/Invoke FindWindow
to get the hwnd for the main window of the other app, and then P/Invoke
windows APIs such as SetForegroundWindow()



Thank you. Peter i will try that,

Peter Foot said:
If you know the window titles of the two apps, you can P/Invoke FindWindow
to get the hwnd for the main window of the other app, and then P/Invoke
windows APIs such as SetForegroundWindow()


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