How to test if message body is blank?


Jeremy Gollehon

What character is in a blank message body?
None of these things return True.

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

MsgBox TypeName(Item.Body)
MsgBox Item.Body = ""
MsgBox Item.Body = " "
MsgBox Item.Body = Chr(10)
MsgBox Item.Body = Chr(13)

Cancel = True

End Sub

Jeremy Gollehon

Eric, thanks for the reply. I was trying to use some code I wrote for
myself (using plain text email) on a coworkers computer and didn't realize
there was a difference in the Body property for HTML messages (his default
mail format). I now realize that I can check the Body of olFormatPlain and
olFormatRichText the same way, but as I'm using Outlook 2003, I can't test
the olFormatUnspecified property. Would it be the same as RTF and Plain, or
should I add another line to the Select Case in my code below. This is my
first program for Outlook, so bear with me if these are stupid questions.
Now that I see others like the code, I'm trying to make it more robust. Is
there anything I'm blatantly missing?


P.S. - Watch out for word wrap.

' Procedure : Application_ItemSend
' DateTime : 7/05/2004, updated to work with non PlainText on 8/17/2004
' Author : Jeremy Gollehon
' Purpose : Warn on blank Subject line and no attachment with keyword
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim bAnswer As Boolean
Dim sBodyText As String
Dim bEmptyBody As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim vWordsToCheck(2) As String 'used as keyword list for attachment

'Check for blank subject line.
If Item.Subject = "" Then
bAnswer = MsgBox("This message does not have a subject." & vbNewLine & _
"Do you wish to continue sending anyway?", _
vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "No Subject") = vbNo
End If

'Set Body variable based on message type.
Select Case Item.BodyFormat
Case olFormatHTML
sBodyText = Item.HTMLBody
bEmptyBody = (Item.Body = Chr(160))
Case Else
'olFormatPlain, olFormatRichText, olFormatUnspecified?
sBodyText = Item.Body
bEmptyBody = (Item.Body = "")
End Select

If Not bEmptyBody Then
'Check for attachment keywords.
'Use lowercase keywords.
vWordsToCheck(0) = "attach"
vWordsToCheck(1) = "enclosed"
vWordsToCheck(2) = "here it is"

For i = LBound(vWordsToCheck) To UBound(vWordsToCheck)
If InStr(LCase(sBodyText), vWordsToCheck(i)) > 0 Then
If Item.Attachments.Count = 0 Then
bAnswer = MsgBox("It appears you were going to send an attachment
but nothing is attached." & vbNewLine & _
"Do you wish to continue sending anyway?", _
vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Attachment Not Found")
= vbNo
End If
End If
Next i
End If

'Cancel sending message if answered yes to either message box.
Cancel = bAnswer

End Sub


The Body property will behave the same for RTF and Plain Text.

I don't see any glaring problems with your code - looks good.

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