How to switch Map drive between tow server if first is out of netw



Hello, i have this question:

I have 2 server Windows 2003; if first server is off or damaged, i need to
switch network mapped drive of clients (after restart) to the second server.
Both servers are DC and DNS server and the clients can logon to both server.

Can I use a script to do that?

Thank you.


Jerold Schulman

Hello, i have this question:

I have 2 server Windows 2003; if first server is off or damaged, i need to
switch network mapped drive of clients (after restart) to the second server.
Both servers are DC and DNS server and the clients can logon to both server.

Can I use a script to do that?

Thank you.


In a logon script:

net use /persistent:NO
net use H: /delete
net use H: %LOGONSERVER%\SHareName

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

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