how to store results of a query in a variable



I have a need to store the result of a sql statement
by RunQuery("select file_name into formvariable from
tablename where ...")

in this case it isn't storing results into formvariable.

How can I put the results of a select statement into
a form variable?

Thank you,


After typing my response, it occured to me that you may also be able to do
what you want to do by using a domain aggregate function directly in your
form control (depending on what your sql is doing). So I have added the
mention of that here. Following is my original response to your question:

I would normally open a recordset based on the sql text and then step
through the record(s).

To open the recordset, just use:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT..." 'Enter your select statement here
set db = CurrentDB
'See help on OpenRecordset for various optional types and options
set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Then, if you know that the variable that you are looking for will be in the
first record, you can just use:

YourVariable = rst![YourFieldName] 'Brackets only needed if field name has

of course you could also assign the value directly to your form control as

Me.YourControlName = rst![YourFieldName]

If you need to loop through the recordset to find the value that you want to

With rst
Do while not .EOF
'do your evaluation/assignments here
End With

HTH, Ted Allen



Thanks for the reply!
While implementing your suggestion, I am getting compile error - "User
defined type not defined" for
Dim db As DAO.Database
Any suggestions? I saw in some document that I should
goto references dialog box and then select appropriate object
library. I don't see any references dialog box.

I may be doing something else wrong.

Need your help again,

Thank you in advance!

Ted Allen said:
After typing my response, it occured to me that you may also be able to do
what you want to do by using a domain aggregate function directly in your
form control (depending on what your sql is doing). So I have added the
mention of that here. Following is my original response to your question:

I would normally open a recordset based on the sql text and then step
through the record(s).

To open the recordset, just use:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT..." 'Enter your select statement here
set db = CurrentDB
'See help on OpenRecordset for various optional types and options
set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Then, if you know that the variable that you are looking for will be in the
first record, you can just use:

YourVariable = rst![YourFieldName] 'Brackets only needed if field name has

of course you could also assign the value directly to your form control as

Me.YourControlName = rst![YourFieldName]

If you need to loop through the recordset to find the value that you want to

With rst
Do while not .EOF
'do your evaluation/assignments here
End With

HTH, Ted Allen

Me said:
I have a need to store the result of a sql statement
by RunQuery("select file_name into formvariable from
tablename where ...")

in this case it isn't storing results into formvariable.

How can I put the results of a select statement into
a form variable?

Thank you,


You probably don't have a reference to DAO. To add a reference to DAO, go to
Tools|References from the menu in the VBA code window. Then, scroll down and
look for Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library.

HTH, Ted Allen

Me said:

Thanks for the reply!
While implementing your suggestion, I am getting compile error - "User
defined type not defined" for
Dim db As DAO.Database
Any suggestions? I saw in some document that I should
goto references dialog box and then select appropriate object
library. I don't see any references dialog box.

I may be doing something else wrong.

Need your help again,

Thank you in advance!

Ted Allen said:
After typing my response, it occured to me that you may also be able to do
what you want to do by using a domain aggregate function directly in your
form control (depending on what your sql is doing). So I have added the
mention of that here. Following is my original response to your question:

I would normally open a recordset based on the sql text and then step
through the record(s).

To open the recordset, just use:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT..." 'Enter your select statement here
set db = CurrentDB
'See help on OpenRecordset for various optional types and options
set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Then, if you know that the variable that you are looking for will be in the
first record, you can just use:

YourVariable = rst![YourFieldName] 'Brackets only needed if field name has

of course you could also assign the value directly to your form control as

Me.YourControlName = rst![YourFieldName]

If you need to loop through the recordset to find the value that you want to

With rst
Do while not .EOF
'do your evaluation/assignments here
End With

HTH, Ted Allen

Me said:
I have a need to store the result of a sql statement
by RunQuery("select file_name into formvariable from
tablename where ...")

in this case it isn't storing results into formvariable.

How can I put the results of a select statement into
a form variable?

Thank you,


Thank you Ted,

Ted Allen said:
You probably don't have a reference to DAO. To add a reference to DAO, go to
Tools|References from the menu in the VBA code window. Then, scroll down and
look for Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library.

HTH, Ted Allen

Me said:

Thanks for the reply!
While implementing your suggestion, I am getting compile error - "User
defined type not defined" for
Dim db As DAO.Database
Any suggestions? I saw in some document that I should
goto references dialog box and then select appropriate object
library. I don't see any references dialog box.

I may be doing something else wrong.

Need your help again,

Thank you in advance!

Ted Allen said:
After typing my response, it occured to me that you may also be able to do
what you want to do by using a domain aggregate function directly in your
form control (depending on what your sql is doing). So I have added the
mention of that here. Following is my original response to your question:

I would normally open a recordset based on the sql text and then step
through the record(s).

To open the recordset, just use:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT..." 'Enter your select statement here
set db = CurrentDB
'See help on OpenRecordset for various optional types and options
set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Then, if you know that the variable that you are looking for will be in the
first record, you can just use:

YourVariable = rst![YourFieldName] 'Brackets only needed if field name has

of course you could also assign the value directly to your form control as

Me.YourControlName = rst![YourFieldName]

If you need to loop through the recordset to find the value that you want to

With rst
Do while not .EOF
'do your evaluation/assignments here
End With

HTH, Ted Allen


I have a need to store the result of a sql statement
by RunQuery("select file_name into formvariable from
tablename where ...")

in this case it isn't storing results into formvariable.

How can I put the results of a select statement into
a form variable?

Thank you,

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