How to stop programs from automatically starting.



How the heck do I stop programs from automatically
starting at startup when there is no option to do so
within the program itself (yahoo messenger, scan panel,
3dna, quicktime) i hardly ever use these programs and they
are slowing my comp down and annoying me to no end, but i
don't want to uninstall them. I have looked in the startup
folder in Documents and Settings and it is empty. Help!

Ramesh [MS-MVP]

Open Yahoo Messenger > File > Preferences > General. Uncheck "Automatically
start yahoo messenger"

Then, run msconfig.exe > startup tab. disable the items


Ramesh (MS-MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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How the heck do I stop programs from automatically
starting at startup when there is no option to do so
within the program itself (yahoo messenger, scan panel,
3dna, quicktime) i hardly ever use these programs and they
are slowing my comp down and annoying me to no end, but i
don't want to uninstall them. I have looked in the startup
folder in Documents and Settings and it is empty. Help!


How the heck do I stop programs from automatically
starting at startup when there is no option to do so
within the program itself (yahoo messenger, scan panel,
3dna, quicktime) i hardly ever use these programs and they
are slowing my comp down and annoying me to no end, but i
don't want to uninstall them. I have looked in the startup
folder in Documents and Settings and it is empty. Help!

Download Startup Control Panel (FREEWARE)
It shows you every program that starts automatically with options to
disable/delete or enable again.
It's just a standalone exe file and works great!


click "Run - Regedit" (be carefull when modifiyng register) and find the
key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". in
this key delete the subkeys for the programs that you not wish to run (not
delete any key that you not knows what is), and reboot.



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