How to specify window start-up size




Any ideas how I can specify the precise start-up size for a new IE6 window,
e.g. through some sort of parameter? I'd like to have shortcuts for different
sizes of IE6 window, e.g. a shortcut for IE6 to start in a window sized at
1024x768, another shortcut for a window size at 1280x768, and another where
size is unspecified (i.e. sizes automatically to last closed IE window).

I'd like to do this not just with IE but also with MS Office apps.

Couldn't find a matching answer in the discussion groups although there seem
to be some related ones. Nothing quite hits the mark though.


Viktor Krammer

Hi Stefan!
[differnt start up sizes]

This is not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe it is sufficient for
your purpose. My updated Quero Toolbar supports quick resizing of the
browser window through the toolbar menu.


Robert Aldwinckle

Couldn't find a matching answer in the discussion groups although there seem
to be some related ones. Nothing quite hits the mark though.

Did you see Helmut Rohrbeck's suggestion?

For "last year" read "three years ago". <EG>


From an old reply of mine. (I think that this was in fact a repost of me
trying it on IE55sp2 with NT4sp6a + WDU after the OP claimed it didn't work.
For "last year" read two years ago.)

< >

I haven't bothered trying it on XPsp1 yet.


Try Helmut Rohrbeck's trick for fixing the size
and position of a window.

Here is his suggestion in IE5.Browser last year:
Try this: Make a shortcut to IEXPLORE.EXE, put it into the QuickLaunch Bar.
Right click the shortcut, choose properties and add behind the line in "Target"
"C:\Programs\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe" javascript:resizeTo(900,720);window.moveTo(450,360)

900 is the width
720 is the height
450,360 is the position of the upper left corner

Change these values as you like.

Worked for me! Is it WDU? (It has to be WDU because
he specifically mentions Quick Launch tray.) Is it because
my Home Page is About:Blank? The Address bar of the
new window is now showing only that Javascript appendage.
(no more sign of About:Blank)

It was sort of weird. The window popped up in its normal
spot and then shifted to this new position, which BTW is
partially off the screen.


Robert Aldwinckle

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