How to Solve Network Copying Interuption?



I recently installed a Western Digital Netcenter drive to my Linksys WRT54GX
Network Router as a backup device. However, Ive had difficulty copying
around 200+ GB of data (external drive connected via USB to my desktop
machine) to the new network attached drive. After 15 or 20 minutes the
copying aborts with a message. Though I neglected to write down the exact
message it stated that the network drive was no longer available.

A quick visual check of the router and the drive showed that both were still
connected and presumably operational. I've come to believe that the issue
relates to the desktop screensaver on the machine which initated the copy.

I've turned off the screen saver and the copying seems to have progressed
beyond the prior abort point. Does this make sense? What exactly is or is
not available, in terms of machine resources and in partcular network
resources, when the screensaver is invoked? Shouldn't all resources remain
available even thought the machine display is locked?

My system is WinXP SP2 with all the latest patches, PIV 2.53GHZ, 512MB Ram.


Yves Leclerc

What "format" was this Netcenter drive set up with? FAT32 has 4GB file size
limitation in XP.

Kerry Brown

Yves Leclerc said:
What "format" was this Netcenter drive set up with? FAT32 has 4GB file
size limitation in XP.

I don't have an answer for the OP but the 4 GB limit is not the problem
unless the WD Netcenter is also running XP :)


Steve N.

Kerry said:
I don't have an answer for the OP but the 4 GB limit is not the problem
unless the WD Netcenter is also running XP :)


That is not true, the limitation of <4GB file size on FAT32 volumes is
inherent in that file system, irrespective of the OS in use.


Kerry Brown

Steve N. said:
That is not true, the limitation of <4GB file size on FAT32 volumes is
inherent in that file system, irrespective of the OS in use.


Your right. Guess I shouldn't post before my morning coffee. I was thinking
of XP's artificial limit on partition size :)



shapeshifter said:
I recently installed a Western Digital Netcenter drive to my Linksys
WRT54GX Network Router as a backup device. However, Ive had difficulty
copying around 200+ GB of data (external drive connected via USB to my
desktop machine) to the new network attached drive. After 15 or 20 minutes
the copying aborts with a message. Though I neglected to write down the
exact message it stated that the network drive was no longer available.

A quick visual check of the router and the drive showed that both were
still connected and presumably operational. I've come to believe that the
issue relates to the desktop screensaver on the machine which initated the

I've turned off the screen saver and the copying seems to have progressed
beyond the prior abort point. Does this make sense? What exactly is or is
not available, in terms of machine resources and in partcular network
resources, when the screensaver is invoked? Shouldn't all resources remain
available even thought the machine display is locked?

My system is WinXP SP2 with all the latest patches, PIV 2.53GHZ, 512MB


By the looks of the WD NetCenter appliance, it is running Linux. WD doesn't
state this anywhere, but when looking at what types of external USB drives
can be hooked up to it, and the fact that any formatted NTFS will be
readonly, is a pretty good indication that it is running some version of

( )

That means that it is running a Samba server, which from my experience is
very dependable. Therefore if you're having problems maintaining a
connection to the device, I'd look at a problem within Windoze. It could be
Windoze's lacklustre ability to work properly with external USB2 hard
drives since that is where the data you're trying to copy originates, or
it's just Windoze crapping out on its TCP/IP stack, which I see happening
all too frequently within my Samba network.

I'm sure some of the Windoze gurus around here will be able to help you out.
Just wanted to save you time searching out a problem with the WD, as I'm
pretty sure that isn't the weak link here.

Smacky via

I've learned from experience in the field that Linksys is prone to disconnect
problems. Now that Cisco owns linksys their quality is improving by leaps
and bounds. The first thing you should do in this situation is upgrade the
firmware on your LInksys. Then for good measure download the latest drivers
for your network card. If you really want to get crazy you can try to do a
windows update on your USB controllers as well.


shapeshifter said:
A quick visual check of the router and the drive showed that both were still
connected and presumably operational. I've come to believe that the issue
relates to the desktop screensaver on the machine which initated the copy.

I've turned off the screen saver and the copying seems to have progressed
beyond the prior abort point. Does this make sense? What exactly is or is

Yes, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the screen saver
kicking in causes a problem with a copy/backup. If so, then that's not
unusual, as a screen saver kicking in can cause lots of applications to

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