how to show (excel export)webpage in our LAN?



Hi Sir,

Excel can export to webpage (html)..
If we have so many pages (item) in one Main Page
then how to be able to let people see that page in LAN?

example : by using IE, all people in LAN can type (ENTER), then the main page of our
Excel listing will be shown to let user decided wihch page
to see!

(I know this question a little bit related to IE development, but somehow I
can't posted on that tread.... somthing must be wrong!)

thanks you..

Mark Ivey


Are you wanting to have some type of listing for all the Excel files you
have for your LAN at a particular location?

Or are you having difficulty showing all the Worksheets in a particular
workbook from a LAN connection?

Mark Ivey


There is LAN in my office...
and I have many Excel files to share with others..
would it possible that (not using the explorer) to have
a main page to list all those files that I want to share...
such that people with the IE, can type
to get to main page (This access is only internal, inside the office. -
not from outside)..

thanks again! please help!

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