How to set text box's ZOrder?



Hi, I need to change the ZOrder of a text box on an Access Form by code. But
it seems VBA does not support this property. What's the walk round? Thanks!

Douglas J. Steele

As you've found, Access doesn't support ZOrder. Perhaps if you explain what
you're trying to accomplish, someone will be able to help you.


Thanks for reply!
What I am trying to do is to make the MSFlexGrid editable.
I need put a text box on the form, when user click a cell of the
MSFlexGrid,the text box will be moved to that cell and change the ZOrder to
cover the cell, when user finished edit, transfer the value to the FlexGrid
and set the text box to invisible. The problem is the text box, when inter
run time, cannot keep its ZOrder at design time. When MSFlexGrid is load at
run time, the text box was hided behind the MSFlexGrid.

Douglas J. Steele

You could try SetFocus on the text box. I seem to recall, though, that I
couldn't find a reliable way to do what you're trying to do. The MSFlexGrid
control really wasn't intended for use with Access.

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