How to set library paths in VC++ .Net?


Jim Bancroft

Hi everyone,

Basic question here, I think-- how do I tell the compiler where to look
for static library files? I'm trying to compile some apps using DirectX 9,
and VC++ can't find the .lib file needed. In VC++ 6 I could set the paths
for where to look for them, but in VC .Net I only seem to have that option
for header and include files.

I'm probably looking in the wrong place or missing something obvious. Could
someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

S. Han

In the Solution Explorer tab, right click on the project (not on the
Choose 'properties' in the context menu to open Properties page dialog box.

In the Configuration Properties (left in the tree view), click 'Linker' and
'Input'. You should see 'Additional Dependencies in the right pane.

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