How to set font of control to a system font?



I would like the font used on one of my forms to match whichever font the
user has selected in their display properties.

For example, I want the font on my textboxes to match the "menu" font. I
want the status bar on my form to use the "tooltip" font, like the Windows
Explorer does.

I don't see any simple method to say "mytextbox.font =" or
"myStatusbar.font = font.tooltip"

I'm sure that this is simple and I'm just not seeing it. How do I do this?

....and, as a secondary question, how can my application detect if the user
alters a Windows font/color setting while my application is running?

Mattias Sjögren

I don't see any simple method to say "mytextbox.font =" or
"myStatusbar.font = font.tooltip"

I'm sure that this is simple and I'm just not seeing it. How do I do this?

Check out the System.Drawing.SystemFonts class.

...and, as a secondary question, how can my application detect if the user
alters a Windows font/color setting while my application is running?

Handle the Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged event.


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