How to select all rows in a DataGrid?


Kevin Hodgson

I have a standard .NET Datagrid (Databound to a SQL Dataset), and I need to
select all rows of the datagrid when a button is clicked, to allow a user to
copy the data, and then paste it into Excel or another application. They
need to be able to do this because the application is running on a Terminal
Server in Application Server Mode, and they need to copy the data to an
Excel worksheet on their local computer.

I can do this manually by Clicking on the first row, and then scrolling
through the Datagrid and Shift-Clicking the last row, then using Ctrl-C and
Ctrl-V to copy and paste. But the Datagrid is very large (5-10,000 rows),
and it takes an unacceptable amount of time for the users to scroll through
the entire Datagrid to Shift-Click the last row.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?


Not Aaron

I tried the following and it worked fine:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer = 0
While (CStr(dg.Item(i, 1)) <> "")
On Error GoTo err
i += 1
End While
End Sub

That would be a lot easier if you store the rowcount somewhere. I had
a problem with the datagrids visiblerowcount function awhile back, so I
dont use it anymore. If you have access to the dataset, you can use
the row.count function there also. Let me know if that helps.

Kevin Hodgson

Fantastic, that works like a charm.

I was stuck trying to figure out how many rows the Datagrid actually had.
Didn't occur to me to use the dataset row count.


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