How to save graphics generated by some DOS program



An old DOS based program generates a some graphics in full screen mode.
How can I save the graphics as an image file ? Print Screen key either
alone or combined with ALT, SHIFT , CTRL does not work.

Any help is highly appreciated .

Robert Roland

An old DOS based program generates a some graphics in full screen mode.
How can I save the graphics as an image file ? Print Screen key either
alone or combined with ALT, SHIFT , CTRL does not work.

You could install DOS and the application in a virtual machine. That
way, you could even run it in "windowed" mode.

Since the application runs under Windows, you can, of course, also run
the application in a virtual Windows machine.

Virtual machines may sound a bit scary to those who have never tried,
but the learning curve is actually surprisingly easy. Since the
software is now free, there is nothing to lose.


mansoorm said:
An old DOS based program generates a some graphics in full screen
mode. How can I save the graphics as an image file ? Print Screen
key either alone or combined with ALT, SHIFT , CTRL does not work.

Any help is highly appreciated .

1. Run the application in a window.
2. Start a screen capture program (many are free) and capture the window.

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