How to restore the tima date of change for folders


Erhard Glueck

Please, is it possible to restore the date of change belonging folders?

This for transfer of certain folders from my old computer
running Windows 2000 Prof., to my new one with Vista Ultimate.

I tried WINZIP and Windows NT Backup Restore Utility.

Thank you for your tip.

Synapse Syndrome

Erhard Glueck said:
This, Only to correct ther subject line

If you Move, rather than Copy, the File Created dates stay the same, apart
from on Folders. File Modified dates change to the new ones when you copy,
so to stop that from happening I use Acronis TrueImage to make a backup
archive first. I do this as it is important for me to know when certain
files were made so that I can find them again.


Erhard Glueck

Synapse Syndrome said:
If you Move, rather than Copy, the File Created dates stay the same, apart
from on Folders.

Sorry, I think, this it is not a good tip.
(But I'm a native German and don't know the word 'apart' in English.)

I tried (from Vista) to move the tree from the Network drive
to the destination in Vista
and when I saw,
that the Modification Time of the Folders
is not been transferred,
I stopped the operation and restored the Files back with Ctrl Z,
the modification time was lost also here.


Synapse Syndrome

Erhard Glueck said:
Sorry, I think, this it is not a good tip.
(But I'm a native German and don't know the word 'apart' in English.)

I tried (from Vista) to move the tree from the Network drive
to the destination in Vista
and when I saw,
that the Modification Time of the Folders
is not been transferred,
I stopped the operation and restored the Files back with Ctrl Z,
the modification time was lost also here.

Yes, as the files have been moved between machines, I think they are treated
as new files. You will find that this also happens when you download files
from the internet.

The only way I have been able to stop this from happening myself, is to move
drives between computers, using Mobile Racks, or using TrueImage to make
backups which are restored to the other machine.


Synapse Syndrome

Erhard Glueck said:
Sorry, I think, this it is not a good tip.
(But I'm a native German and don't know the word 'apart' in English.)

I tried (from Vista) to move the tree from the Network drive
to the destination in Vista
and when I saw,
that the Modification Time of the Folders
is not been transferred,
I stopped the operation and restored the Files back with Ctrl Z,
the modification time was lost also here.

Another idea, which I have not tried myself:

Maybe XXCOPY has the ability to do this? If it does, please let me know.


Erhard Glueck

Synapse Syndrome said:
Another idea, which I have not tried myself:

Maybe XXCOPY has the ability to do this? If it does, please let me know.


Thanks for your response.

Now I have success with robocopy

In this tested example Z: is a mapped drive connected by network

robocopy Z:\cygwin H:\Users\gle\tstrobo /S /E /COPY:DAT /DCOPY:T

Good luck
Also "Easy Transfer", the software promoted for migration,
alters the time date of change for folders.

Synapse Syndrome

Erhard Glueck said:
Now I have success with robocopy

In this tested example Z: is a mapped drive connected by network

robocopy Z:\cygwin H:\Users\gle\tstrobo /S /E /COPY:DAT /DCOPY:T

Thanks. I'll use Robocopy next time. Much easier than using TrueImage. I
think XXCOPY can probably do it as well, as it claims to supersede Robocopy
and XCOPY.


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