how to restore my e-mail on my computer not form net



suddenly my all e-mail history not found I know that is not delete by anone
or by me this personal computer not assecc by anybody so how can i get those
e-mail back


We will need a lot more information from you to even begin to help you with

1) Outlook version
2) If you are a standalone user or if you are connecting to a Microsoft
Exchange server (usually through your employer)
3) If you changed anything on your computer or did anything unusual before
this happened -- like installing a software update or running an AutoArchive
on your e-mail folders

Give us as much as you know and we'll be able to narrow things down...


in message
We will need a lot more information from you to even begin to help
you with


His first effort will be reviewing his own post before submitting it
to ensure someone ELSE can actually decipher want he wants to say
versus the gibberish he does say.


It looked to me like English is not the OP's first language. Perhaps he/she
doesn't know that there are groups for other languages...then again, I don't
know how busy those groups are or how long he'd have to wait for a response.
You're right, it's difficult, but English is the only language I know...I
can't imagine trying to ask a question coherently in a foreign-language forum

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