How to restore check boxes changed by gremlin to text boxes?



I have an Access database of about 200 mb. Suddenly all the check boxes were
changed for unknown reason to text boxes. Efforts to restore from the table
using Lookup fail. The change will be made and when you exit the table and
return, it has been changed back to a text box. Tried using Format/change
to, but the "check box" menu option is grayed out. Ideas please?

Jeff Boyce

Are you saying that the table definition has changed from a Yes/No field to
a text field?

Or are you saying that what is displayed (?where, on a form?) is changed?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP



Thanks for your response. The answer to your question is: The change is
made in the definitions table. It worked fine for several months and then
suddenly, no check boxes. I changed it back to a check box in the table
definition, but after exiting and reentering the table I found it had been
changed back.

Any help will be appreciated.

Rumple41 ([email protected])


Thanks for your response. The answer to your question is: The change is
made in the definitions table. It worked fine for several months and then
suddenly, no check boxes. I changed it back to a check box in the table
definition, but after exiting and reentering the table I found it had been
changed back.

Any help will be appreciated.

Jeff Boyce

As far as I know, tables don't have "check boxes" as a data type. Tables
can display a checkbox for a yes/no data type. Have you checked the data
type, to see if it changed?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Rumple41 (Jim)


Thanks for your response. Of course you are right and I apologize for not
using the correct syntax. The fields I am talking about were orginally
yes/no data types, but inexplicably changed by the "gremlin" to text data
type. I changed them back and they showed ok in the design view of the table.
But when I exit the table and then return to the design view, the "gremlin"
has changed them back. Further, there are numerous yes/no data types in this
table, but only some of them are changing. All new fields with data type
"yes/no" are changed by the "gremlin" to text boxes upon closing the table.
This is maddening and will be unusable by my client if I can't get this fixed
before the data entry is finished. Thanks again for any suggestions.
Rumple41 (Jim)

Larry Linson

I've never had this happen, but corruption can have some strange effects. I
suggest you take a look at the information on corruption and recovering
therefrom at MVP Tony Toews' site, The
end result should be a new database, with the old objects cleaned and

The following should "go without saying," but, be sure, too, that you are
up-to-date on Service Packs and updates for your version of Access -- I have
seen (rare) cases (far fewer than phone tech support might recommend) when
uninstalling Access (or Office) and reinstalling, then applying the Service
Packs and updates has been beneficial.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

Jeff Boyce


I'm with Larry on this ... I've not run across something like this happening
(thanks for the clarifications. My spouse accuses me of being a bit to
'literal', but if I don't understand, I can only guess <g>).

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

a a r o n . k e m p f

wow it sounds to me lke you guys should stop blaming gremlins; and
start blaming that piece of shit database you still cling to.

Access (without Jet) never corrupts for me. Jet has been obsolete
for a decade.
SQL Server is the worlds most popular database.

Maybe you should get rid of Jet, instead of making excuses for a
database that easily corrupts data.


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