how to resolve this ntfrs error



i've received this error in the event viewer "The nTFRSSubscriber object
cn=domain system volume (sysvol share),cn=ntfrs
subscriptions,cn=jrpw2k,ou=domain controllers,dc=jrp,dc=com,dc=sg has a
invalid value for the attribute frsMemberReference."

any advise on how i can resolve this error message?

thks :)

Steven Burn

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Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

| i've received this error in the event viewer "The nTFRSSubscriber object
| cn=domain system volume (sysvol share),cn=ntfrs
| subscriptions,cn=jrpw2k,ou=domain controllers,dc=jrp,dc=com,dc=sg has a
| invalid value for the attribute frsMemberReference."
| any advise on how i can resolve this error message?
| thks :)

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