How to:Remove restrections to access (Internet Options)from Internet Explorer Tool



When I open Internet Explorer ,and, when I try to access ( Internet Options) from Tool,, I get this error message

This operation has been cancelled by due to restrictions in effect on this computer.Please contact your system adminstrator
Iam an adminstrator,But Dont Know how ;) , so, How to remove this restriction.


Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Ron said:
When I open Internet Explorer ,and, when I try to access ( Internet Options) from Tool,, I get this error message :

This operation has been cancelled by due to restrictions in effect on this computer.Please contact your system adminstrator !
Iam an adminstrator,But Dont Know how ;) , so, How to remove this restriction..


See, Win XP Fixes, Fix Internet Options Restrictions

Your IE is most likely hijacked...

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites

The Parasite Fight


----- Torgeir Bakken (MVP) wrote: ----

Ron wrote
When I open Internet Explorer ,and, when I try to access ( Internet Options) from Tool,, I get this error message
Iam an adminstrator,But Dont Know how ;) , so, How to remove this restriction.


See, Win XP Fixes, Fix Internet Options Restriction

Your IE is most likely hijacked..

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasite

The Parasite Figh

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norwa
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of the 1328 pag
Scripting Guide:

I had the same problem... I followed your directions but came up with nothing. I found a file to download her but it doesnt explain how to install.. . Spybot found nothing..


hi Ro
go to: Help and Support Center /Windows XP Pr
Type in Search:Clicking "Internet Options" on the Tools Menu Returns Error Messag
You'll find there that
This behavior can occur if the Inetcpl.cpl file is missing from the Windows \System or %SystemRoot%\System32 folder or if a restriction is set on the NoBrowserOptions Windows registry value.
To resolve this issue, extract a new copy of the Inetcpl.cpl file from the Internet Explorer distribution files, or reinstall Internet Explorer. For additional information about extracting files, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Bas

If replacing the Inetcpl.cpl file does not resolve the problem, locate the following key
hkey_current_user/software/policies/microsoft/internet explorer/restriction

If a value called NoBrowserOptions exists, delete this value and restart the machine

Good Luc

----- Ron wrote: ----

When I open Internet Explorer ,and, when I try to access ( Internet Options) from Tool,, I get this error message

This operation has been cancelled by due to restrictions in effect on this computer.Please contact your system adminstrator
Iam an adminstrator,But Dont Know how ;) , so, How to remove this restriction.


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