How to remove program from Uninstall/Change?



I have a program that didn't install correctly but ended up in the
Uninstall/Change list of my programs. When I select it it only offers
"change" instead of remove so I can't delete it from the list of programs.

How do I remove this from my PC?


Kerry said:
I have a program that didn't install correctly but ended up in the
Uninstall/Change list of my programs. When I select it it only offers
"change" instead of remove so I can't delete it from the list of programs.

How do I remove this from my PC?

What I do is simply reinstall the program. Once done turn around and
uninstall it.

Some times not all parts of a program get uninstalled properly, or if you're
like me, you may have deleted something that affected the program before you

Anyway, just reinstall and then uninstall. :)


Thanks Ed,

The problem is that what's installed is Intellitype Pro 2.2. It must have
gotten moved during the upgrade. When I try, as you suggest, to reinstall it,
I get the "not compatible" message.

I'm thinking there must be a back door trick to remove it.


Thanks Ed,

The problem is that what's installed is Intellitype Pro 2.2. It must have
gotten moved during the upgrade. When I try, as you suggest, to reinstall it,
I get the "not compatible" message.

I'm thinking there must be a back door trick to remove it.

Microsoft's Tweak UI for Windows XP used to include such a fix, so
there's obviously a registry hack that will do it. I just don't know
what it is. :0)

On a related note, I can't *wait* for Tweak UI for Vista (assuming
it's coming, that is).

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Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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I downloaded and installed the only to find that the
first three actions I tried relating to my problem all required buying the
full version. It didn't feel good so I uninstalled it. They should say this
on their site before anyonbe else wastes their time trying it.


I downloaded and installed the only to find that the
first three actions I tried relating to my problem all required buying the
full version. It didn't feel good so I uninstalled it. They should say this
on their site before anyonbe else wastes their time trying it.

I wasn't impressed. I'll hold out for similar from Microsoft.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


***WARNING: Do not attempt unless you're really sure you know what you're

I'm not sure how advanced a user you are, but there is a way to fix your
problem. First, delete all the files associated with the program. Next, log
in as an administrator and open "regedit". You'll probably want to save your
registry before you doing anything. Click on file and export your registry.
Make sure you select the option for all at the bottom.

Then search for either the program's name, or the company that makes it
(preferably both). On the edit menu click Find, and type in what you're
looking for. Once you begin searching, you can just hit the F9 key, and it
will automatically search and find the next registry key. Delete anything
that definitely points to the program you're trying to get rid of. If you're
unsure, I'd leave it alone. Registry edits can wreak havoc on your machine
if you delete the wrong thing. Once you delete all the items you're
comfortable getting rid of, reboot your machine.

Go back in to the control panel and pull up the program list. If you
highlight the item and click uninstall now it should tell you that it can't
find a reference for the program and ask you if you want to remove it from
the list. Just click yes.

I did it with Cyberlink Power DVD. It let me install it in compatability
mode, but it refused to let the uninstaller load in compatibility mode, so I
coudn't get rid of it. But, and I'm going to emphasize this one more time,


***WARNING: Do not attempt unless you're really sure you know what you're

I'm not sure how advanced a user you are, but there is a way to fix your
problem. First, delete all the files associated with the program. Next, log
in as an administrator and open "regedit". You'll probably want to save your
registry before you doing anything.

I'd do a system restore before hand instead of a registry backup. It's
simpler and safer.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


I should have mentioned that I tried the regedit trick.
Ironically the name of the program is Its parent co is
Protection Technology Russia.

Nothing resembles it in the regedit.





Is there any chance that MS will bring out a Vista
model of tweakUI ?



Oops I lied. I didn't do the find game only looked in Software. Went back and
did find and find-next 5 times and all sorts of crap in System, not software.

Thanks all. I believe it's all gone



Is there any chance that MS will bring out a Vista
model of tweakUI ?

I have no idea. I can only guess. But based on past experience I'd
guess yes. When? Eventually.....

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Thanks all for the help in removing StarForce, however the same steps won't
remove Microsift IntelliType Pro 2.2 which is listed in my Uninstall or
Change program list.

It is not listed in my Program Files folder.

When I select to remove it it only offers "change."
When I click "change" it reads, "Setup cannot continue because IntelliTytpe
Pro 2.2 is not supported on the operating systsem.

1) I tried reinstalling it but get the same message.
2) From regedit I entered Microsoft IntelliType Pro 2.2 in "Find" and "Find
Next" until there were no more instances of it.

Then I looked in Uninstall and the darn thing is still listed.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Kerry


Thanks all for the help in removing StarForce.......

I think u got the wrong guy. :0)

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Sorry bout that. I sometimes get confused with how to work these threads.
Never have liked them.

Do you think I should start a new topic specifically on how to remove
IntelliType Pro 2.2 from my Remove or change list?

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