How to refresh the generated code??


Ellis Yu

Dear all

I would like to know how to refresh the coding which is generated by .Net
when I put my custom control on the form. Since the setting of control may
often change during
development, I found that the generated code will not be updated if my
custom control has been changed. And it seems that it will run the code in
the initialization of control first and then the generated code afterward.
At last, it make the control look like using the old coding instead. The
only thing I can do is delete the control on my form first and put it back
again :( Is there any better way to do?



Hi Ellis
That is because this is the version of the control that you added to
your project . try rebuild your control then update the link from the add
reference tab .
Mohamed M .Mahfouz
Developer Support Engineer
ITWorx on behalf of Microsoft EMEA GTSC

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