How to read/copy PageSetup properties of a sheet?


Art Du Rea

Esteemed List Participants and Lurkers:

How can I programatically read and/or copy PageSetup
properties for one sheet into another sheet.

I would like to be able to copy the entire setup at one
time from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2".

I would also like to be able to copy each property
individually, such as the ".CenterHeader" property, with
all it's appropriate formatting.

Thank you for all comments or assistance.

Blessings in abundance, all the best, and ENJOY!

Art Carlisle, PA USA


I don't know why I couldn't get this to work yesterday. I
still don't know how to copy all settings at one time, but
at least I can do what I need to do one attribute at a
time ...

With destsht.PageSetup
' Copy the header from the source sheet
.CenterHeader = srcsht.PageSetup.CenterHeader
.RightHeader = srcsht.PageSetup.RightHeader
End With

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