How to raiseevent across .NET assembly boundary using VB.NET


bob meyering

I am using VB.NET. I have two assemblies, I am trying to raise an
event in one of them and have it received in the other. Below is some
pseudo code to illustrate what I am doing:

Assembly 1:
Class myEventSourceClass
public event xyz()
sub myEventSource()
raiseevent xyz()
end sub
end class

Assembly 2 (I add a reference to Assembly 1)
class form1
dim withevents myEventReceiver as new myEventSourceClass
sub myEventReceiver () handles
end sub
end class

When I call myEventSource-sub in assembly 1, the event is raised
without error. The problem is, assembly 2 "fired" never appears (which
is running as a modeless form). What am I missing? Something like this
however works (all within the same assembly):

Module Module1
Dim WithEvents p As New test

Class test
Public Event UOMChanged()
Public Sub r()
RaiseEvent UOMChanged()
End Sub
End Class

Sub Main()
End Sub

Private Sub p_UOMChanged() Handles p.UOMChanged
MsgBox("event proc fired")
End Sub

End Module

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

You might want to post your question to a VB.NET newsgroup - this is a C++

Try microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb instead.


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