how to put a scalable image into a form (or panel)



I'm a Java developer relatively new to to VB .NET (and I don't know
the old VB6 at all). I know how to draw lines, circles and other
simple shapes on a form in VB.NET (using the onPaint event).

Could someone out there please give me a simple example, or point me
to a SIMPLE example that:

1) puts a given JPEG (or GIF, or TIF) image into a form or panel (or
whatever other control is appropriate)

2) allows me to re-size the form or panel in the usual manner by
grabbing a corner with the mouse pointer and dragging it.
As I resize the form, the image is to re-scale itself, as appropriate,
to keep the form/panel filled completely.

Thanks for any help and advice,

Santa Barbara, CA

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