How to process the Windows Messages posted to another Application



I want to write an application which will process the windows messages
posted to an another form in another application.

If there are any events or key presses or buttons clicks in another
application i want to catch those messages in my application.....

I don't want to write the any code in the 2nd application.....
I want my application to by some kind of message filter application which
can be configured to filter operations on my application forms...



You can't do that. On the desktop you could install system hooks and then
figure out if it was for the target by finding its window handle, but even
that is a hcky kluge. If you need to know when the other app gets events
and you control that app's code, then write in the hooks. If you don't have
the source, you're not going to be able to do this without a very large
amount of effort, and without access to the system itself (like on WM) I'm
not sure it's doable at all.

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