HOW TO: PivotTable.SourceData



I thought FormulaR1C1Local might help but I still can't get it to work, can
any one help,


I've been trying to update the source data range of my pivot tables on all my
worksheets within a workbook and I've been using the following code

pt.SourceData = wsDATA.Name & "!R1C1:" &

This works great while its on an English machine but if I change the
Regional Setting e,g, to Germany then it fails because of the xlR1C1
reference style because the returns e.g. R1C1:R4500C62 but German setting
require Z4500S62

So the question is how do I set the source data of a pivot table using the
xlR1C1 style of the machine settings since if I question mark ?pt.SourceData
I get the
xlR1C1 style. Hence if I try to use xlA1 reference style that too fails.

Any help much appreciated



and he correct answer is

pt.SourceData = wsDATA.Name & "!" &
wsDATA.Range("A1").AddressLocal(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) & ":" &

To use "AddressLocal" and not "Address"

HTH someone else too

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