How to pass arrays of integers or doubles to VBA function in Excel



I have written a function in Excel's Visual Basic editor. It accepts two
arrays, one of Integer's and one of Double's.

The function seems to compile just fine and other functions are working well
for me, so I semi know what I am doing.

In the spreadsheet, I would like to select a range of cells and pass them as
the integer array. I would like to do the same for another contiguous range
of cells to serve as the Double array.

I tried simply doing just that but got errors in the spreadsheet.

How do I do this? Is there some function in the spreadsheet that converts a
range of cells into an array of numerical values?

Or do I need to adapt the function to work in the spreadsheet's way of doing
things and make it receive cell references from which it extracts the
numerical values?



Range.Value is a variant array
Dim myValues as Variant
myValues = myRange.Value

You can access it like an array

msgbox myValues(3,1)

You can get its dimensions if you need to loop through the values

myrows = UBound(myValues,1) 'number of rows
mycolumns = UBound(myValues,2) 'number of columns

For i = 1 to myrows
For j = 1 to mycolumns
msgbox myValues(i, j)
next j
next i

Your function should now accept two such variants

myfunction(myValaues1 as Variant, myValues2 as Variant)

There is a proviso: the value of a single cell is NOT a 1 by 1 array,
and you will have to handle that case if it arises.



A couple of things to note. You need to leave the variables as type variant
but that should not be a big deal. Also ranges give 2D arrays, but if you
transpose it you get a 1D array... so something like this...

Sub test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim ary As Variant
Set rng = Selection

ary = Application.Transpose(rng.Value)
Call test2(ary)
End Sub

Sub test2(ByRef ary As Variant)
Dim i As Integer

For i = LBound(ary) To UBound(ary)
MsgBox ary(i)
Next i
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

I think Jim was rushing his answer:
Also ranges give 2D arrays, but if you
transpose it you get a 1D array...

If your range is multiple rows with a single column in width, then this is

If it is multiple columns and multiple rows, it is isn't
If it is multiple columns and a single row, it isn't true To account for
the other situation that can be converted, you could use this to illustrate.

Sub testRevised()
Dim rng As Range
Dim ary As Variant
Set rng = Selection
If rng.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "Single cell"
Exit Sub
End If
rw = rng.Rows.Count: col = rng.Columns.Count
If rw > 1 Then
If col = 1 Then
ary = Application.Transpose(rng.Value)
Call test2(ary)
MsgBox "Multiple rows, multiple columns"
End If
If rw = 1 Then
ary = Application.Transpose( _
Call test2(ary)
End If
End If

End Sub

' no change
Sub test2(ByRef ary As Variant)
Dim i As Integer

For i = LBound(ary) To UBound(ary)
MsgBox ary(i)
Next i
End Sub

So if multiple columns and a single row, you need to do the tranpose twice.


Absolutely correct... When I had originally answered I thought that the OP
had indicated the ranges were individual columns... Obviously not the case. I
should have been more detailed no matter what though. Thanks Tom!

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