How to obtain full email message headers in VBA

  • Thread starter Steven Marzuola (remove wax and invalid for reply)
  • Start date

Steven Marzuola (remove wax and invalid for reply)

(Using Outlook 2000)

I use a VBA routine for Outlook that writes a summary of each mail item
in the current folder to a text file. It works okay, here are a few of
the lines that make it go:

Dim thisFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim Item As Object
Set thisFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
For Each Item In thisFolder.Items
Print #2, "From:", Item.SenderName
Print #2, "To:", Item.To
Print #2, "Cc:", Item.CC
Print #2, "Sent:", Item.SentOn
Print #2, "Subject:", Item.Subject

Now I want to do something different. I'm trying to analyze a folder
full of spam emails, and extract the Received lines (to see where each
one comes from). These can be viewed in Outlook only by viewing the
"Internet Headers". However, I cannot find a Property or Method for my
"Item", that will get me access to the Received lines, or any other
information in the full headers.

Any ideas?

Steven Marzuola (remove wax and invalid for reply)

After I posted this, I realized, it sounded familiar ... I have asked
about it before. In fact, I found one of my questions on Google. I
just didn't remember getting any answers I liked. There's a possible
solution using CDO.

Unfortunately, this seems to require a detour into learning VBScript,
and/or digging up the original Office disks which *might* have something
on them. Either way, it looks like it will take a lot more time and
effort than I am willing to spend on it. But I'm passing along one
link, in case anyone else might be interested.


Michael Bauer

Am Tue, 29 Nov 2005 20:57:25 -0600 schrieb Steven Marzuola (remove wax and
invalid for reply):

Steven, you need to use CDO (optional component on your Office CD) or
Redemption ( Then read the field

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