How to navigate in Command Prompt?



I can't figure out how to navigate to a given folder in the Command Prompt in Windows
When I open Command Prompt, it displays <C:\Documents and Settings\My Real Name> and I cannot get it to navigate to a different folder in my C drive
If I type, for example, C:\downloads, I get this message
Not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
What's going on???

Will Denny


Try this

cd \downloads


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| I can't figure out how to navigate to a given folder in the Command Prompt in Windows.
| <br><br>
| When I open Command Prompt, it displays <C:\Documents and Settings\My Real Name> and I cannot get it to navigate to a different folder in my C drive.
| <br><br>
| If I type, for example, C:\downloads, I get this message:
| <br>
| Not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
| <br>
| What's going on???


Hi Dressler,

cd ---> to change directory: cd "My Music"

cd and two points (..) ----> cd ..
gets you to the directory above in the hierarchical structure.
cd\ ---> gets you to the root directory, usually C:

Good luck



help cd


help |more

for dos command info

Dressler said:
I can't figure out how to navigate to a given folder in the Command Prompt in Windows.
When I open Command Prompt, it displays <C:\Documents and Settings\My Real
Name> and I cannot get it to navigate to a different folder in my C drive.

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