How to Move Office 03 Doc Scan/or Image to OL 03 Folder


Chad Harris

This is about how to get a scanned document or the image into Outlook or

The idea in the links is good, but I can't get it into Word without it
looking like jibberish some of the time. I wonder if it's a matter of
matching the exact font (sometimes I'm not sure which one they used) with
the correct Word font. I saw these links.

I'm on an XPP SP2 box using MOS 03 with OL 03. I want to be able to send an
Office O3 Tools Document Scan or Document Image (2 separate apps) to OL's
inbox or an OL folder. You can Send to an Address in some form of
compression (a MSFT Office Document Imaging File). It becomes jibberish if
you send it to Word (possibly because of the low quality of the free
program's OCR). Also this tool in MOS 03 is a faster scan than the MSFT
Office Document Scan for Office XP. I installed both to compare them. I
wonder if this jibberish in the Word document is impacted by the Word font
you choose.

Can I take this scanned document and scan it in some readable form in Word
or OL's "word mail" (a less featured form of Word)? That is, can I paste
the document that scans well into Wordmail in Outlook? Can I get it into
Outlook in any way that is not a compression file? I would really like to
be able to scan the letter with it's headings and logo? I believe I will
have to scan with document imaging if I find a way to do this.

Any help is much appreciated. I was able to get a letter copied into word
yesterday by lassoing the logo and drgging it into Word. I wasn't able to
do it today with a different letter and logo. I don't know why.


Chad Harris

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

if the original document has a weird font or the scan is not a good quality,
the Ocr will be poor, but in every document I've scanned and ocr'd, the
text is highly accurate.

Because this isn't an outlook issue, you'll probably get a better answer in
the word newsgroups.

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