How to manage multiple "identities" in Outlook 2003.



If I have more than one email account defined in Outlook 2003, how can I specify which "identity" the message is from when I create a new message? Is is possible to not have a default so that I *must* specify, thereby never accidentally sending from the wrong identity?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook doesn't use "Identities" the same way Outlook Express does. You can
either use one Outlook profile with multiple e-mail accounts defined, or you
can set up separate Outlook profiles for each mail account -- but you have
to close Outlook and reopen it to switch profiles, so that can be a hassle.
If you use one profile and multiple accounts, you can use the Accounts
button to specify the sending account per message, but there's no way to
"guarantee" that a message will go out with that account unless you've
selected it. Outlook sends new messages via the default account (and you
must specify a default account), and replies and forwards are sent via the
account the original message was sent to. Best practice is to get into the
habit of selecting a sending account on EVERY message you send, whether you
want to use the default account or another one, and whether the message is
new or a reply or forward.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Have you ever noticed that when attempting to customize Outlook is like customizing TSO? In fact, I have found that TSO is easier than Outlook!

I read somewhere ( to the following statement paraphrased Outlook and Outlook Express not twins but brothers … What brothers of the same poor white trash family? I think the slogan should be more to the following “Outlook and Outlook Express: customizing is like KICKING A WHALE DOWN THE BEACH†Do you realize how many times an “IT Professional†has to say to their “customers†something to the following “Nope, this version of Outlook doesn’t have the capabilities to do what you would like it to do…Let’s just hope the ZZ.XX.YY.Whatever virus doesn’t crash our Exchange servers todayâ€. Upper management just enjoys hearing such a comment.

Just maybe [maybe] Microsoft would listen to these same questions over and over about the problems and limited functionality of Outlook and FINALLY do something about it. I mean more than just the implementations of Navigation and Reading Panes and really let the corporations and users customize their email software without requesting an Act of Congress. Is it possible that corporate and home users just might have the need for multiple email accounts? Well, when spam, spyware, adware, chain mails, and illegal content emails are so prevalent in today’s email one just might need separate email accounts to even function in a timely matter. Not to log out of one profile and then back to another is just so painful. Oh, but it’s the way it has to be unless you stand on your head while drinking a Dr. Pepper then you’ll be just fine.

Another thing is the wonderful Outlook Today feature. Oh, you mean I can have Summer and Winter views? Whatever! Let me customize the damn thing without an external (external meaning the application) URL and tunneling my email views back and forth. That’s secure-Not; however, it can be done. So, just the fact that the Hotfix embedded the pointer info in the registry doesn’t mean that it’s more secure it just means that it that much more painful to deal with. Ever wonder why Themes have become so popular? Even SP2 has even “enhanced†this feature. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give us the “meat and potatoes†that most look for in their customized computer environment.

In conclusion, and my point to all this is to point out that Outlook has a long way to becoming extravagantly superior to all the other email clients. However I do like the Navigation and Reading Panes of 2003 in which is the first step in providing a different approach to a much needed function in email viewing. Let’s get past the Status-Pro-Quo and strive for a bit beyond security Hotfixes. Let’s try customer satisfaction and give them more of what they really want. Have you ever wondered why products like StyleXP, Stardock, Mozilla Firefox and (God forbid) even OSX have become quite popular?

It’s just too bad that this reply will stay here, unheard and forgotten while I continue to find a job worth it and so many software functions lack just applying a bit more creativity and thought.

Ted Brooks - CBFD

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