how to make win2000 stop looking for missing server


Chuck Jungmann

As a software developer, I have a 3 computer network at home. A
laptop with W2K pro, a desktop with W2K pro as my main work computer,
and another desktop running W2K server for testing.

A few months ago, the W2K server box started misbehaving. It is old,
and having decided to get a new computer, I planned to retire it.
While doing the installations to the new computer and the
configuration of my old work computer to be the new W2K server, I had
two W2K servers running to transfer data, so they had to have
different network names.

My problem is that my work computer is clearly still searching for the
old W2K server. If I turn on the old server, my work computer opens
files and folders instantly, but if the old server is off, it takes
many seconds to open files.

I've searched the registry for the old server name and the old
server's IP address and updated them to point to the new server, but
my work computer still pines for its old server. Is there somewhere
else I should be deleting references, or something else I should do to
remove them?

I know I could reinstall the OS from scratch, but that would take at
least a full day, if you count configuring all the installed software.
I'm looking for a shortcut.

Chuck Jungmann

Richard McCall [MSFT]

Could be Offline file caching. Bring the old server online and check each
share and disable offline caching. Then bring up your other workstation and
work for a while. Turn the old server off and see what happens with the

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