How to make Combo Boxes not duplicate options



If you pick the Atlanta option(in the VBA code below) when you go back and
re-open the combo box it relists all the options atleast three times or more.
Is there any way after you make a selection on a combo box to keep the
option from duplicating and only show the list of options once?

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.AddItem ""
ComboBox1.AddItem "Atlanta"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Chicago"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Washington DC"
Sheets("Questionaire").Range("N7") = ComboBox1.Value

Dave Peterson

Why would you add the items to the combobox in the _change event?

If this is in a userform, maybe you could use userform_initialize to populate
that combobox.

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