How to make a SATA boot disk



No way I can install XP on second SATA. First SATA installed without problem.
Now a year later I got the latest Win XP with SP2 and bought a new SATA for
It wont work. I have a diskette for SATA but never used and no diskette drive.
Clicking F6 during install will result in a blue screen, suggestions like a
new graphic card or other nonsens.

I installed on ATA instead and copied the whole install to SATA but cant
copy partion data so the disk will not boot. Installation is complete except
for boot partion.

Please tell me the easiest way to make it to a boot disk. and what is active
disk? If I change to active is that the same as boot disk?

For some reason, with this new Windows, I got problem also with USB disks so
the problem seems to be all disks except for normal ATA.


If your mobo manual states that you have to F6 during the Win install
process to load sata/raid drivers from floppy then you need a floppy, or
create a slipstreamed win cd containing the sata/raid drivers.


Theres no difference between latest win and the one a year old

Was your first sata install the o/s disk?
And is this one the o/s disk

All sata controller drivers ar NOT included with any version of winxp


If you installed first time arround without the need for sata drivers from
floppy, then you should be able to do the same with the winxp sp2.
There is no difference other than sp2

When you connected the new sata did you connect it to the same connector as
your origonal working boot sata drive? some mobos apparently require the
boot sata hd to be connected to a specific connector.

What is the make/model of your mobo?


Thanks for reply. I am not sure what you mean by mobo. Its a ADL computer
with weired mainboard with VIA chipset. I think mainboard is MSI.
The seller have now installed (or tried to install) the new Windows. It
boots but I am very unhappy with it. They change the cables for SATA. They
needed more than 36 hrs to install Windows. I cant use it I must reinstall it
but how?
As they changed the cables I can only use one SATA at the time.
I replaced the new one with the old and none of the disks booted. So that
cable, power for SATA can not be used any longer but no problems before I
left it for service. They told me it is not possible to install without
diskette and that my old CD have these drivers and not the new CD. I told
them that Windows was installed by image but it will not boot. I wanted them
to fix my installation instead of a new. They said I cannot use image with
SATA therefore they must redo it. But the have change the disk or at least
made a new partion why as the disk was formatted?
Whrn I retured to pick computerup I asked how to install without diskette
drive? Make an image with Ghost. But they tols me before that it will nor
work with SATA.

I still dont know anything more than I have new cables and need nrw ones as
power is not for two disks.Windows is installed butnot the normal way,
standard, and I cant change it so I must redo it.
Question is HOW, I do not have any good installation to image.

Do I really need to buy a diskette drive to a one year old computer that
have run 11 months on a SATA disk?

What reason could they had to make a new partion?

I also had blue screen with an error message.
It was two things. New drive was bad configured but had nothing to config.
May have been a bad cable but why only for one of two drives?
The other one was a setup file wrong in memory but different address every

Its also difficult to understand why copying the complete Windows
installation with SATA drivers to another disk will not boot.

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