how to maintain add-ins? (with toolbars)



Hello-- I have written a series of programs linked to buttons on a
toolbar that I have distributed to others as an excel add-in. I now
want to maintain that code and make a few changes. I originally made
the add-in by writing the macros for an individual worksheet. Adding in
a toolbar and then attaching that toolbar to the sheet. Then I saved
the whole thing as an add-in and distributed it to others' computers.
What is the best procedure for editing and maintaining the code? How
does one maintain the add-in code without the toolbars refering to old
versions of the program? Can I just edit the code in the VB editor and
the toolbars will refer to the correct version? People would then
install the new versions of the the add-in? Thanks. -Abe


Abe, This is how I create Toolbars for my addins:
This in its own module:

Option Explicit

Function CreateMenuBar(Name As String) As Variant

'This procedure creates a menu bar for executing macros'

Dim GenMacroBar As CommandBar
Dim BarControl As CommandBarButton
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set GenMacroBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name)

'Button 1: Get CSV DATA
Set BarControl = GenMacroBar.Controls.Add()
BarControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
BarControl.Caption = "Get CSV Data"
BarControl.TooltipText = "Gets CSV Data"
BarControl.OnAction = "Get_csv_data"
BarControl.Picture = UserForm2.Image1.Picture

' Button 2: Hide/Show Columns
Set BarControl = GenMacroBar.Controls.Add()
BarControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
BarControl.Caption = "Hide/Show Columns"
BarControl.TooltipText = "Hides or Shows Columns"
BarControl.OnAction = "HideColumns"
BarControl.Picture = UserForm2.Image2.Picture

'Button 3: Get CSV DATA2
Set BarControl = GenMacroBar.Controls.Add()
BarControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
BarControl.Caption = "Get CSV Data"
BarControl.TooltipText = "Gets CSV Data2"
BarControl.OnAction = "Get_csv_data2"
BarControl.Picture = UserForm2.Image1.Picture

Application.CommandBars(Name).Position = msoBarTop
Application.CommandBars(Name).Visible = True

End Function

This is in the ThisWorkbook section:

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Application.CommandBars("CSV Macros").Delete
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim cb As CommandBar
Found = False
For Each cb In Application.CommandBars
If cb.Name = "CSV Macros" Then Found = True
If Found = False Then CreateMenuBar ("CSV Macros")
End Sub

Does that type of solution help you any?



Hi Charles-- so basically you are telling me to suck it up and figure
out how to add my toolbars programmatically? That way I don't have to
deal with thinking about Excel's processes for attaching toolbars to
worksheets + macros ect. I think this is good (if perhaps somewhat
labor intensive, in the short term) advice. Thanks. -Abe


Not entirely correct. Take this chunk of the code for example:
Set GenMacroBar = Application.CommandBars("AbesToolbar")
'Button 1: Get CSV DATA
Set BarControl = GenMacroBar.Controls("AbesButton")
BarControl.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
BarControl.Caption = "Get CSV Data"
BarControl.TooltipText = "Gets CSV Data"
BarControl.OnAction = "Get_csv_data"
BarControl.Picture = UserForm2.Image1.Picture

If you set GenMacroBar to your toolbar and BarControl to your button
then you can change all aspects of the existing toolbar
programatically. Is that something that will help?


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