How to LOCATE a file in Explorer

  • Thread starter dingdongdingding
  • Start date


I need to locate a file in explorer.

I have the name of the file (or the starting first few characters). I
am already in the correct directory. I want to move the highlight
(cursor) to that file.

eg I want to highlight the file:

e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ 1234523123.txt

and in the directory e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ there are many many
files and many starts with 123.

So I've navigate to e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ already. Is there a
way for me to quickly locate 1234523123.txt and know whether it exist
or not ?



I need to locate a file in explorer.

I have the name of the file (or the starting first few characters). I
am already in the correct directory. I want to move the highlight
(cursor) to that file.

eg I want to highlight the file:

e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ 1234523123.txt

and in the directory e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ there are many many
files and many starts with 123.

So I've navigate to e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ already. Is there a
way for me to quickly locate 1234523123.txt and know whether it exist
or not ?


Do a search for 123*


I need to locate a file in explorer.

I have the name of the file (or the starting first few characters). I
am already in the correct directory. I want to move the highlight
(cursor) to that file.

eg I want to highlight the file:

e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ 1234523123.txt

and in the directory e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ there are many many
files and many starts with 123.

So I've navigate to e:\ abc \ def \ ghi \ klm \ already. Is there a
way for me to quickly locate 1234523123.txt and know whether it exist
or not ?


Sort of...
if you press the '1' key, the highlight will go to the first file that starts with a '1'.
That's it.

From a search window, searching for '123*.txt" will get you every '.txt' file that starts with
'123'. The more you know about the filename, the shorter the list will be.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

I note that you are posting quite a few questions in this
newsgroup. I suppose you realise that you're receiving
your many answers from experts who voluntarily give
their own time to assist you, a stranger. A little "Thank you"
on conclusion of a thread would go down well.


Hi Pegasus

I do appreciate the help. I used to send "Thank you" note. But
somebody else told me not to do it, flooding the internet with Thank
OK. Thanks everybody for all the help. I REALLY DO appreciate it.
Thanks !!

Wesley Vogel

Those that reply to anyone's questions always appreciate a thank you if they
have helped.

Some even appreciate a thank you for trying to help. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Ken Blake, MVP

Hi Pegasus

I do appreciate the help. I used to send "Thank you" note. But
somebody else told me not to do it, flooding the internet with Thank

Well, it's rare to find a subject you don't get some disagreement on, but a
"thank you" is always polite and appreciated. I've seen very few people here
argue against it.

Another point: a "thank you, it worked" is also acknowledgement that the
suggestion you were given was correct, and that acknowledgement is valuable
to all to us.


Wesley said:
Those that reply to anyone's questions always appreciate a thank you if they
have helped.

Some even appreciate a thank you for trying to help. ;-)

and some of us get a thank you for not saying anything...:)

Wesley Vogel

<Elvis> Thank you. Than you very much. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



I think it just a different perspective of things. Note that this is
the internet and people come from all over the world and they have
different ways of looking at things.

If you notice, I even go to the extent of cutting out the previous and
previous and previous appends leaving only the last append .... when I
reply so that it does not clutter up my replies.

Having said that, a positive or negative reply to close up the topic
would be good and I accept that.


I'm already doing that, but it takes me out of the current directory
and then I have to click "back" and then "folder" to get back to my
current directory and even then, when I get back to my current
directory, I'm still not on the highlighted files which I want.

I was hoping that I get easily have a utility that allows me to right
click and paste the file name into an dialog box. Then it moves the
highlight to the file I want.


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