how to judge whether a path is relative path or absolute path



is there any system available command to do that? or i have to analyze
the path character by character?
seems it's not that easy to judge a path is valid ,right?


is there any system available command to do that? or i have to analyze
the path character by character?
seems it's not that easy to judge a path is valid ,right?

Relative or absolute?

An absolute path will contain a : character or start with a \

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

For validity, use an 'if exist'. To determine whether a supplied path
is relative or absolute, verify that one of the following is true -

1. the second and third characters are a colon and backslash
2. the first character is a backslash

Esra Sdrawkcab

Dean said:
For validity, use an 'if exist'. To determine whether a supplied path
is relative or absolute, verify that one of the following is true -

1. the second and third characters are a colon and backslash
2. the first character is a backslash
How about

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

That's a relative path, I'd assumed it was clear I was supplying a means
of identifying an absolute path.


i think these are all the possibile forms to be an absolute path

possibile forms of being a relative path
//relative path

do i miss any cases here?

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

The UNC path is a great addition and extends this scenario to
non-locally mapped media; good point. I'd also add (albeit in
hindsight) the edge-case examples below -


.... or



but how could i analyze the path character by character? for loop
seems could only process token by token

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

.... note the first value specifies an offset or should be treated as

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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Dean Wells (MVP) said:
e.g. -


... 1,1: starting char + chars

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

thinktwice said:
but how could i analyze the path character by character? for loop
seems could only process token by token


That's a relative path, I'd assumed it was clear I was supplying a means
of identifying an absolute path.

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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How about

by the way , could i analyze a literal string char by char ? seems for
loop could only process token by token


thianks ,Dean.

i didn't know \\.\c:\, \\?\c:\ could be valid path beofre. i have
tried these on my windows system, but seems the system doesn't
recognize these paths. are they linux related? by the way, i guess
dealing with popular forms is enough, if someone want to use the
special cases as u gave, i might tell them that's not supported :).

The UNC path is a great addition and extends this scenario to
non-locally mapped media; good point. I'd also add (albeit in
hindsight) the edge-case examples below -


... or


Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

i think these are all the possibile forms to be an absolute path
possibile forms of being a relative path
//relative path
do i miss any cases here?


by the way, you remind me that file:///c:\somefolder might be another
case :)

The UNC path is a great addition and extends this scenario to
non-locally mapped media; good point. I'd also add (albeit in
hindsight) the edge-case examples below -


... or


Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

i think these are all the possibile forms to be an absolute path
possibile forms of being a relative path
//relative path
do i miss any cases here?

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

Their support is limited; off the top of my head both 'dir' and 'del'
support them (especially useful for deleting files with poisened

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

thinktwice said:
thianks ,Dean.

i didn't know \\.\c:\, \\?\c:\ could be valid path beofre. i have
tried these on my windows system, but seems the system doesn't
recognize these paths. are they linux related? by the way, i guess
dealing with popular forms is enough, if someone want to use the
special cases as u gave, i might tell them that's not supported :).

The UNC path is a great addition and extends this scenario to
non-locally mapped media; good point. I'd also add (albeit in
hindsight) the edge-case examples below -


... or


Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

i think these are all the possibile forms to be an absolute path
possibile forms of being a relative path
//relative path
do i miss any cases here?

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

Although that particular type of URI exploits the 'file' handler, to my
mind at least, it's beyond scope here.

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

thinktwice said:
by the way, you remind me that file:///c:\somefolder might be another
case :)

The UNC path is a great addition and extends this scenario to
non-locally mapped media; good point. I'd also add (albeit in
hindsight) the edge-case examples below -


... or


Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

i think these are all the possibile forms to be an absolute path
possibile forms of being a relative path
//relative path
do i miss any cases here?

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

Here's an example that you can build on -

set sPOS=%1
call echo %%PATH:~%sPOS%,1%%

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

thinktwice said:
That's a relative path, I'd assumed it was clear I was supplying a
of identifying an absolute path.

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

Dean Wells (MVP) wrote:
For validity, use an 'if exist'. To determine whether a supplied
path is relative or absolute, verify that one of the following is
true -
1. the second and third characters are a colon and backslash
2. the first character is a backslash
How about

by the way , could i analyze a literal string char by char ? seems for
loop could only process token by token

Tom Lavedas

That's a relative path, I'd assumed it was clear I was supplying a means
of identifying an absolute path.
Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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by the way , could i analyze a literal string char by char ? seems for
loop could only process token by token

Here's one way I can think of to parse a string ...

@echo off
set "string=%~1"
set "n="
if not defined string goto :EOF
set /a n+=1
set "char=%string:~0,1%"
set "string=%string:~1%"
echo %n% %char% %string%
goto loop

I thought if I knew the length of the string, it could also be done in
a FOR /L statement, but I couldn't find a good solution to the 'find
the length' problem in a google search. So, I constructed this
one ...

@echo off
echo.|set /p "x=%1" > %temp%\tmp.txt
for %%a in (%temp%\tmp.txt) do set Length=%%~za
del %temp%\tmp.txt
echo %Length%

So with the length the FOR parsing goes something like this ...

@echo off
echo.|set /p "x=%1" > %temp%\tmp.txt
for %%a in (%temp%\tmp.txt) do set /a c=%%~za-1
del %temp%\tmp.txt
set "string=%~1"
for /l %%a in (0,1,%c%) do call echo %%a %%string:~%%a,1%%

The looping solution seems a tiny bit more useful to me, but ...

Tom Lavedas

Timo Salmi

thinktwice said:
by the way , could i analyze a literal string char by char ? seems for
loop could only process token by token

set s=whatever
for /l %%c in (0,1,255) do (
set si=!s:~%%c!

All the best, Timo

Dean Wells \(MVP\)

Nod, this one is oddly tough; here's two solutions I've used over the
years (word-wrap almost certainly going to be a problem below) -

:: 2 approaches below

:: ------------------------


:: Example script that demonstrates how to count characters by piping
UNICODE output through
:: non-UNICODE console filters

@echo off

:: Space char. substitution below (I used a period) was necessary as
when %* or %VAR% is expanded by
:: the for-in-do below, it concatenated any number of sequential spaces
to 1 space destroying an
:: accurate count
set VAR=%*
set VAR=%VAR: =.%

if "%VAR%"=="" (
set CNT=0
) else (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=1" %%l in ('cmd /u /c echo %VAR%^| find /v /n
""') do (
set /a CNT=%%l-3

echo %CNT%

goto :EOF

:: -------------------------


:: Uses byte size within a temporary file

set LENGTH=0
set /p=%1>%tempFILE%<nul
for /f %%l in ("%tempFILE%") do set LENGTH=%%~zl
goto :EOF

Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l

Tom Lavedas said:
That's a relative path, I'd assumed it was clear I was supplying a
of identifying an absolute path.
Dean Wells [MVP / Directory Services]
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R e m o v e t h e m a s k t o s e n d e m a i l
Dean Wells (MVP) wrote:
For validity, use an 'if exist'. To determine whether a
path is relative or absolute, verify that one of the following
true -
1. the second and third characters are a colon and backslash
2. the first character is a backslash
How about

by the way , could i analyze a literal string char by char ? seems
loop could only process token by token

Here's one way I can think of to parse a string ...

@echo off
set "string=%~1"
set "n="
if not defined string goto :EOF
set /a n+=1
set "char=%string:~0,1%"
set "string=%string:~1%"
echo %n% %char% %string%
goto loop

I thought if I knew the length of the string, it could also be done in
a FOR /L statement, but I couldn't find a good solution to the 'find
the length' problem in a google search. So, I constructed this
one ...

@echo off
echo.|set /p "x=%1" > %temp%\tmp.txt
for %%a in (%temp%\tmp.txt) do set Length=%%~za
del %temp%\tmp.txt
echo %Length%

So with the length the FOR parsing goes something like this ...

@echo off
echo.|set /p "x=%1" > %temp%\tmp.txt
for %%a in (%temp%\tmp.txt) do set /a c=%%~za-1
del %temp%\tmp.txt
set "string=%~1"
for /l %%a in (0,1,%c%) do call echo %%a %%string:~%%a,1%%

The looping solution seems a tiny bit more useful to me, but ...

Tom Lavedas

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