how to install windows 2000 after XP




I have Windows XP in NTFS partition, now I need to install windows 2000.
Actually, I tried to install windows 2000, but 2000 can't be installed
completely, I have to repair my boot files for my xp system. I notice in the
web, some people said only in fat32, it is possible to install 2000 after
windows xp, isn't it true? thank you very much!


Genrally the best way to set-up a dualboot is to split the disk into two

If you want to retain your exisiting XP install, then you need away to
shrink the XP partition, as it probably fills the disk. Partition Magic is my
favourite, though there are freeware alternatives.

When installing W2000, make sure the partition you're installing it to is
the active one, otherwise you'll end-up with confused drive-lettters.

To select which OS, you could use the XP bootloader, but I find that a
better way is to use Ranish Partition Manager's bootloader. This installs a
very simple menu into the MBR, and you just press 1 or 2 at startup to select
the OS. Since it makes the selected partition the active one, the active
system is always seen as C: which avoids problems.

Asa mater of interest, I believe it is possible to install W2000 and XP into
the same partition, but it's a lot trickier, as some folders, e.g. "Program
Files" will have to be renamed to avoid clashes.


Please reference the freeware alternative(s). I refuse to buy PM for a one
shot use, but would like to be able to boot to DOS now and then.


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