how to install MSADO



i can not create data base using wizard, because every time I try it, there
alway mssege sows `error time 3001`. i already re install my Acces but
result still same.
is it any thing i can do ? because when try to find help it`s said can not
find MSADO10. help

Mike Labosh

i can not create data base using wizard, because every time I try it, there
alway mssege sows `error time 3001`. i already re install my Acces but
result still same.
is it any thing i can do ? because when try to find help it`s said can not
find MSADO10. help

You can go here to download several data access packs. MSADO10 is probably
included in all of them.
Peace & happy computing,

Mike Labosh, MCSD

"It's 4:30 am. Do you know where your stack pointer is?"

Mike Labosh

i try to look it for it but, i still can not find it there.
thank you

OK, sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Go here:

....and on the right side of the page, there is a blue block that is titled
MDAC Downloads. MDAC stands for Microsoft Data Access Components.

Each of the MDAC downloads contains MSADO, but I'm personally not sure which
version of MDAC has MSADO 10.


after i download MDAC, it`s said i have it, no need to install and
when i search in my window`s XP pro i have MSADO10.dll but i still can
not use it in my Acces office XP

thank you.

Brendan Reynolds

It's not "MSADO 10", Mike, it's "MSADO10" - the "10" in the file name does
not stand for 10 (ten), but for 1.0 (one point zero).

I don't know why any version of Access would look for such an old version of
ADO. Access 2000 by default uses ADO 2.1 (but will happily work with later
versions), and Access 2000 was the first version of Access to add a default
ADO reference. ADO 1.0 does not appear to available at the MDAC site, the
earliest version I could find there was 2.5.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

The spammers and script-kiddies have succeeded in making it impossible for
me to use a real e-mail address in public newsgroups. E-mail replies to
this post will be deleted without being read. Any e-mail claiming to be
from brenreyn at indigo dot ie that is not digitally signed by me with a
GlobalSign digital certificate is a forgery and should be deleted without
being read. Follow-up questions should in general be posted to the
newsgroup, but if you have a good reason to send me e-mail, you'll find
a useable e-mail address at the URL above.

Mike Labosh

It's not "MSADO 10", Mike, it's "MSADO10" - the "10" in the file name does
not stand for 10 (ten), but for 1.0 (one point zero).

I don't know why any version of Access would look for such an old version
of ADO. Access 2000 by default uses ADO 2.1 (but will happily work with
later versions), and Access 2000 was the first version of Access to add a
default ADO reference. ADO 1.0 does not appear to available at the MDAC
site, the earliest version I could find there was 2.5.

Doh! I wasn't thinking -- of course there's no ADO 10! The OP then likely
has something converted from an older version of Access and has a missing

Mike Labosh

after i download MDAC, it`s said i have it, no need to install and
when i search in my window`s XP pro i have MSADO10.dll but i still can
not use it in my Acces office XP

Click Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor

In the VBA Editor, click Tools -> References

In the references dialog, I think you might have a checkbox set on an item
that says "Missing: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 1.0"

If that is the case, uncheck it, and scroll way down, (it's in alpha order)
and try using one of the other items that starts with "Microsoft ActiveX
Data Objects"

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