how to increase a column of numbers by a single percentage



I have one column of numbers that I want to increase by a single percentage
and place the resulting value in the next adjacent cells to the original
value. How can I do this without entering the formula individually for each

Paul Corrado

Two Step Method

1) Copy entire column of Data

2) Place the value of 1+% (1 plus the % change) in a blank cell. Select
that cell and Edit/Copy. Select the range of cells you wish to change and
use Edit/Paste Special and choose the "Multiply" option.

Dave R.

If your percentages are in A1:A100, in B1 enter =A1+.01
then copy it down through B2:B100 (go to B1. press ctrl-c. select b2:b100.
press ctrl-v). You may have to format this group of cells as percentages.

Myrna Larson

WRT to your statement "without entering the formula individually for each
cell", there's always Edit/Copy, the fill handle, selecting all cells before
you enter the formula then pressing CTRL+ENTER, etc.

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