HOW TO: IE web control + no touch deployment


Roy Davis

I am having major trouble trying to get a simple web form
with the IE web control on it to deploy and run via no
touch deployment. Does anyone know of a sample app that
does this and actually works? Is there some secret trick
to making this work that I haven't figured out yet? Or is
this pursuit just a big waste of my time and effort?

Any help will save my sanity.


Joe White

The IE web control is an ActiveX control. To use it, your app needs
permission to run unmanaged code. Since unmanaged code can do anything on
your machine, this permission is not granted to Internet or Intranet zones
by default -- only to code running from your local hard drive. Since you're
loading your code from a Web server, you'll need to set up a security policy
that grants that permission to your code. The easy way, I think, would be
to grant the permission to all code coming from a certain URL directory.
The better way would be to use strong-name identities, but that's probably
more hassle.

I haven't ever actually set up any custom code-access permissions, so I
can't be too much help on the details. You might try a link Herfried posted
on another thread:
<[email protected]>
Or, if you're really serious about the topic and don't mind some heavy-duty
reading, pick up a copy of ".NET Framework Security", by LaMacchia, et. al.
Not for the faint of heart.

Your other option would be to wait for .NET 2.0, which will include a
managed Web browser control. But it won't be out until late 2004. :-(

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