How to get the received date of an email



Hello ,

How can you using vba get the received date and time of an email. I have
used CBO to get the email address of the sender but i can not figure out how
to get the date and time.



When in doubt, check the object browser: Press ALt+F11 to open the VBA environment in Outlook, then press F2. Switch from <All Libraries> to Outlook to browse all Outlook objects and their properties, methods, and events. Select any object or member, then press F1 to see its Help topic.

You'll find that the Outlook MailItem object includes a ReceivedTime property. If you prefer to use CDO, you can use Message.TimeReceived.



Sue Mosher said:
When in doubt, check the object browser: Press ALt+F11 to open the VBA
environment in Outlook, then press F2. Switch from <All Libraries> to
Outlook to browse all Outlook objects and their properties, methods, and
events. Select any object or member, then press F1 to see its Help topic.
You'll find that the Outlook MailItem object includes a ReceivedTime
property. If you prefer to use CDO, you can use Message.TimeReceived.

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