How to get System Restore working again AFTER uninstalling Defende



I uninstalled Defender and then my system restore STOPPED making restore

I was refered to this article..

Apparently, in my case, Task Scheduler had been turned off..perhaps by
and it is required for Sytem Restore to make and schedule restore points.

If you don't know how to make sure Task Scheduler is on, open your system
configuration utility (You can do this by clicking on "RUN" in your start
menu and typing "MSCONFIG".
Then click on the tab that says "SERVICES".
Scoll down and make sure TASK SCEDULER is checked.
Hit apply and restart computer. System Restore should be OK after that.

Hope this helps. It solved my problem after uninstalling that beta Defender
Thanks to all who helped me out...


Thndrbll said:
If you don't know how to make sure Task Scheduler is on, open your system
configuration utility (You can do this by clicking on "RUN" in your start
menu and typing "MSCONFIG".
Then click on the tab that says "SERVICES".
Scoll down and make sure TASK SCEDULER is checked.
Hit apply and restart computer. System Restore should be OK after that.

Good news! And even better that the answer turned out to be a
straightforward one. Thanks for passing on the solution.

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