How To Get Excel To Record Keystrokes And Not Just The Results




I need to use the "Text to Columns" function under the Data menu
choice to split up my data. In order to prepare the data for this
procedure, I am inserting "+"'s into the data where it needs to be
split. It is working, however I am looking for a way to automate the
insertion since I am dealing with about 5000 cells and it is taking
way too long! Is there a way to record a macro to repeat keystrokes
without the results? For instance: I select a cell then and need to
start a macro that will hit <F2> to get into the cell editor, hit
<Ctrl-A> then <Ctrl-C> and then hit <Esc> to leave the cell editor,
hit <Ctrl-H> to get into "Find and Replace", hit <Ctrl-V>, <Tab>,
<Ctrl-V>. This is where I need the macro to end so that I can modify
each one separately.

Is there anyway to do this? The macro recorder records the results of
each keystroke, not the keystroke itself, any ideas?



Dave Peterson

I'm not sure what you're doing with the data|text to columns, but you could just
use the value in the activecell and plop that into the edit|replace dialog:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim myText As String
myText = ActiveCell.Text
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaReplace).Show arg1:=myText
End Sub

(The macro recorder records actions--not keystrokes. But sometimes, there's a
way to do what you want.)

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