How to get cursor insertion point (caret position) from text box



Can anybody help me to a)get the user's cursor insertion point (caret)
from a multiline textbox, using client-side script I suppose, and then
b)return the position to VB code behind?

I have tried the following client-side function suggested on this
Google Group (thank you) but I'm not sure what it's doing or how to
return the caret position to code behind ("txtReading" is the Textbox

function getcaretpos(txtReading)
if (txtReading.createTextRange)
txtReading.caretPos =

Eliyahu Goldin

I don't know much about a). To solve b) you can add a hidden <input> element
in the form. It is accessible both on server and client. Set the value to
the cursor position on client and read it on server in code-behind.


Dave Rudlin

Eliyahu - thanks for that - good idea - I assume this would also work
with a hidden Webcontrol Textbox? Now, does anybody know how to get the
caret position and place it in the hidden <input> element (or Textbox)?

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