how to format code in VBA?



Dear all,

I am programming in VBA in EXCEL...

Is there a way to automatically format the code when I inserted a lot of
things so it's getting very messy.

Which key short cut shall I use to automatically format the code?

Thanks alot!

Jonathan West

cfman said:
Dear all,

I am programming in VBA in EXCEL...

Is there a way to automatically format the code when I inserted a lot of
things so it's getting very messy.

Which key short cut shall I use to automatically format the code?

Thanks alot!

I strongly recommend Steven Bullen's SmartIndenter. Free download from here.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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Bob Phillips

The best way is to format as you create the code.

First make sure that auto indent is set (in the VBIDE,
Tools>Options>Editor), and then when you create code just use the tab key to
create another level of indenting.

When indenting something like a For ... Next loop, the bits inbetween For
and Next will be indented (at least) one more level, so you will need to
delet one tab in the Next line. The way that I do is is to code If ... Else
.... Endif and For ... Next without any intervening code, then the indenting
is maintained, and go back and add the rest of the code.

You can also automatically indent, un-indent blocks of code by selecting all
the lines and hitting Tab and Shift-Tab.

If you follow good coding practices, you will never need Stephen's indenter.
Whilst it is a verey useful tool, I personally have never had a use for it,
and I would be willing to bet that Stephen doesn't use it either.



RB Smissaert

It is very good, but you have to be aware of one very important thing.
If you run the indenter on code that can't be compiled due to some syntax
fault then
it can hang during the indenting process and the only way out is with Ctrl +
Alt +Del,
losing any un-saved work. So, best is always to compile first before
I think this is a bug and it should be fixed.


Jonathan West

RB Smissaert said:
It is very good, but you have to be aware of one very important thing.
If you run the indenter on code that can't be compiled due to some syntax
fault then
it can hang during the indenting process and the only way out is with Ctrl
+ Alt +Del,
losing any un-saved work. So, best is always to compile first before
I think this is a bug and it should be fixed.

I haven't come across that problem. Have you reported it to Stephen Bullen
(the author)?

By the way, before I do a smart indent like this, I *save* the template
first, so that in the event that it hangs, I haven't lost anything at all.

RB Smissaert

Yes, I have reported it to Stephen, but as it was difficult to reproduce nil
I will see if I can make an example that demonstrates it. The problem is
that if it happened
the whole application is frozen, so you can't copy the code then.
I have had it several times and altogether lost maybe about 8 hours of work
due to it.
Still, it is good software and free and I still use it all the time. Just
need to be aware of this.


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