How to firewall on sp1 so I can download sp2?



Windows Home on sp1 - Windows firewall returns this message, "Due to an
unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings.".

How can I get the firewall turned on so I can get on-line and download sp2?

Please help!!!



Barb, You can access the firewall through your control panel, you should be
able to select an on/of button

Ted Zieglar

The firewall was renamed Windows Firewall in service pack 2. Prior to that
it was known as Internet Connection Firewall. How is it that you get an
error message about Windows Firewall if you haven't installed service pack

"Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings" error while accessing
Firewall settings in Windows XP Service Pack 2


I did have SP2 installed but did a repair install which took it back to SP1.
In part, the repair was done because the firewall kept getting turned off. I
tried the regedit changes mentioned in other posts and it would only turn it
on temporarily. In the control panel, I do have a Windows Firewall icon (and
Windows Security Center icon) for that matter.

Where can I find and turn on Internet Connection Firewall?


Ted Zieglar

If you have a Windows Security Center icon, portions of SP 2 are still on
your system. I would not have done a repair install. Now I would suggest a
clean install.


I was afraid of that! I think I might try another firewall solution just to
get SP2 loaded again and see if I continue to have issues.

Ted Zieglar

Now's the time to stop flailing around and do things the right way. The
number two rule of upgrading an operating system is to not upgrade over a
problem. (The number one rule is: backup.) Do the clean install.


Ted said:
Now's the time to stop flailing around and do things the right way. The
number two rule of upgrading an operating system is to not upgrade over a
problem. (The number one rule is: backup.) Do the clean install.
I would also check for a virus, they are known to turn off your protection.

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