how to fetch to main slide



I have a main slide in my presentation. I need to return to it many times
during my presentaion and return back to previous slide I was in.
A colleague recommends to copy that slid and put where ever it is required.
Although this works but makes the file size very big and also it is not a
wise way in computer. Is there any easy and staight method to assign a short
cut to a slide (or any other method) and return back to where I was?


You can add an action button that links back to the main slide.
On the drawing toolbar which is at the bottom of the screen, select
Autoshapes > Action Buttons > Action Button: Home.
Select Hyperlink to.
Click on the dropdown field and select First Slide. If the main slide is not
on the first slide, then click "Slide...", and select the slide you want to
link back to.
Ok your way out.

Is that what you want?
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


Very good thanks. this solves half my problem. Remaining half is that how
should I return to previous slide or the one after that? Off course it is
possible to make another link to that one. Can't ppt remembers the position
of previous slide? There is a possibility that I delete or onhide a slie and
then I suppose the order of slides will be different from the one I have
Will be very happy to have your comments


You can have an action button on the main slide that hyperlinks to "Last
Slide Viewed". See if this helps.
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: April 13, 2006
Added new portfolio
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Bill Foley

PowerPoint can do that using VBA. I think David Marcovitz might have some
sample code on his site (link below) that shows how to keep track of the
slide you are on and go back to that slide, but I'm not sure. If not, maybe
he'll pop in some time soon and explain the coding method to accomplish
this. Not sure if VBA is an option you can use, but it will be the only one
besides using the "Last Slide Viewed" option that Tohlz gave you.


One other possible option: Whenever you want to display your main slide,
type the number of that slide and press enter. If your main slide is the
first one, you can type the number 1 and press enter to jump to that slide.
To return to where you were, type the number of the slide to which you want
to return and press enter. If you had been on slide 23 before you jumped
back to slide 1, then you simply type 23 and press enter.

Hope that helps and another option.

David M. Marcovitz

While VBA could work (let me know if you want to pursue that option),
several other things would be easier, including the "Last Slide Viewed"
option already mentioned as well as custom shows. You could have the main
slide be its own custom show set with links to it set to "show and
return." If you really need to go to the following slide, then a VBA
solution might be your best option, but if returning to the last slide
viewed is good enough, then that is MUCH easier.

David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

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