How to disable the HTML code auto-formating in VS.Net?




The auto-formatting of HTML code in Visual Studio.Net 2003 is very annoying!
I already unchecked the 2 checkboxes in "Apply Automatic Formatting" section
located at:
Tools-->Options-->Text Editor-->HTML/XML-->Format
But the VS still does the HTML code auto-formatting. The most notable is the
auto-conversion of "»" to ">>" and the likes which make some pages
look ugly on other browsers.

I need to stop this function from VS.Net 2003 now. Would you please give me
some help?

Thank you


I need to stop this function from VS.Net 2003 now. Would you please give
some help?

Every time I've asked this I've gotten the defacto MS reply these days:

"That will be fixed in 2005"

The reality is that MS has put a lot of great effort into the back end with, but has failed miserably (IMHO) to address the front-end. We'll see if
Whidbey cares. ;o)


Joe Fallon

From demos of Whidbey I have seen it is fixed in 2005.
But it touched over 50% of the code base and there is no way to retrofit it
to 2003.
WHenever you switch between Design view nad HTML view, 2003 re-builds the
HTML from scratch!
It does not just tweak it. Many people refuse to switch and work only in
HTML view. Others work in Dreamweaver and copy and paste the output.

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